Expert forum,no

Gerd Inger Moe

Welcome to this new page where I'll post short notes related to practical implementation of Evolving training in mathematics. The idea is that I bring up questions and topics that I have learned through their own practice and contact with schools.
Likewise, it is a goal that teachers can have a forum where they can express their thoughts, questions and issues regarding Evolving training in mathematics.

Gratifying that so many teachers have chosen to use Evolver training in mathematics!
I've been to several school visits and been so impressed with the active and participating students and dedicated teachers who obviously enjoy working with this type of education.

Teaching model is probably unfamiliar to many, and some problems may occur.  I have received several questions via e-mail and telephone, and the thought of writing on the website appeared. Then several teachers who are interested to participate.
Work as a teacher are hardly any definitive answer on many issues. The teacher's professional, knows class, individual pupils and guardians and are responsible for operationalizing the ideas in the practical work in class. This does not exclude that one can benefit from tips and advice. Ministers appreciate that teachers submit questions and topics to the publisher (e-mail address:, I'll answer as best I can.
More teachers are concerned with the weak students, and first post is thus about it.

Other current theme can be:
- Collaboration with home
- Frames and learning culture, including equipment for the classroom
- Work with Weekly Schedule, use of basic books, red and blue tasks and task booklets, homework
- Minimum requirements for what students should have learned the different steps

Hva med de svake elevene i dette opplegget?

I skolen finnes elever med ulike erfaringer, abilities and personal qualities. Some have diagnoses. Others have difficult home conditions. No matter what conditions the individual has, it is the school's obvious duty to set expectations and academic and social demands on all. It is to show the individual respect and recognition. In addition, students learn how to set goals and create expectations for themselves. All pupils have opportunities for development, alle elever skal utfordres.  What opportunities do the individual?  What can they?  How can the teacher help? Utvikling er et dynamisk begrep.. Erfaring flere lærere har gjort, is that many of the weakest pupils receive more than expected even when the tasks are quite challenging. Pupils must never be underestimated!

Rammer og læringskultur Utstyr i klasserommet

Frames,,da,Working with evolving training in mathematics requires structure and good frames in the class. & Nbsp; Time should be learning. & Nbsp; Throughout the session should be more challenging tasks worked on. & Nbsp; The teacher makes sure that it achieved most professional focus, for example by,,no,Distinguishing breaks / hour,,no,Utilizing the time - clear away all incidentals / disorders,,no,Helping students to have good order in student shelves to find books and equipment quickly,,no,Keeping high learning pressure,,no,tight allocation of time,,no:

Working with evolving training in mathematics requires structure and good frames in the class. Time should be spent learning. Throughout the session should be more challenging tasks worked on.

Læreren sørger for at det oppnås mest mulig faglig fokus ved for eksempel å:

A lesson with evolving training in mathematics,no

Through courses and meetings with teachers, there has been a lot of questions and problems when it comes to practical implementation of Evolving training learning in mathematics,,no,Here are some factor that may be of interest to many,,no,Preparation and implementation,,no,In the teacher's guide, there is a proposal for an outline of the syllabus on year,,no,and weekly basis,,no,It is good to follow,,no,The tasks for each week is allocated to each day,,no,The teacher must familiarize themselves with the tasks and prepare for in terms of formulating questions,,no. Her følger noen moment som kan være av interesse for mange.

Hvordan foresatte kan hjelpe til?

Parents are important partners and supporters of children's education and development,,no,Good cooperation between school and home can make a difference in children's well-being and learning,,no,Evolving training in mathematics can be a challenge and uncertainty about how parents can help their children with homework and learning of concepts at school,,no,What the teacher can do to get this best to work,,no,Before the parents, it is customary to send home a letter containing various information,,no. Good cooperation between school and home can make a difference in children's well-being and learning.
Utviklende opplæring i matematikk kan by på utfordringer og usikkerhet om hvordan foresatte kan hjelpe sine barn med lekser og læring av begrep på skolen. Hva kan læreren gjøre for å få dette best til å fungere? 
Før foreldremøtet er det vanlig å sende hjem et skriv med forskjellig informasjon. Here it can also be rewritten program in mathematics,,no,For example, what is expected that parents will aid,,no,Further information will be given at the parents',,no,Because books can be sent home a few days prior to the meeting in the fall so that parents can see them,,no,Proposed plan at the parent,,no,— ,,en,The principles and thinking behind,,no,provide information about students' active participation in their own learning process,,no,emphasis of,,no,awareness training,,no,and articulate what they discover,,no,Pick out some tasks,,no, for eksempel hva som forventes at foresatte skal hjelpe til med. Ytterligere informasjon blir gitt på foreldremøtet. Grunnbøkene kan sendes hjem et par dager i forkant av møtet om høsten slik at foresatte kan se i dem.

Hvorfor er det viktig for elevene å ha lærebøker?

Lærebøker hører med til enhver utdanning og er en del av vår kultur. De gir oversikter over innhold og progresjon i lærestoffet. For både barn og voksne er det greit å vite hva som skal læres. Fra min egen praksis har jeg opplevd at elevene har blitt motiverte av å se gjennom lærebøkene når de ble delt ut på begynnelsen av skoleåret. Husker uttrykk som: «Se, dette skal vi lære!» «Hva er dette, lærer?»

Evolving training in mathematics


Evolving training in mathematics, known Russian maths, is a method that gets increased support. The scheme may, however, pose challenges in relation to the teacher's practice.

What are minimum academic requirements for students in 1st-3.trinn,no?

The principle focus of a mandatory minimum and then the maximum individual development,,no,It is desirable that each student develops a maximum both socially and academically,,no,Through jobbing in class and cooperation with each other, students will develop an increasing understanding of the concepts and insight into their own and others' ways of thinking,,no,Students are constantly developing greater understanding of numbers,,no,various patterns and getting increasingly hear additional suggestions on tasks,,no,The overall development of the child with various activities,,no,effort is being made all the time,,no,All children attending,,no. Det er ønskelig at hver enkelt elev utvikler seg maksimalt både sosialt og faglig. Gjennom jobbing i klassen og samarbeid med hverandre vil elevene utvikle stadig større forståelse av begreper og innsikt i egen og andres tenkemåter. Elevene utvikler hele tiden større forståelse for tall, ulike mønster og får stadig høre flere løsningsforslag på oppgaver. Den generelle utviklingen av barnet med ulike aktiviteter, logisk tenkning, observasjon, analyse, memorering og kreativitet, jobbes det med hele tiden. Alle barn deltar.