Rammer og læringskultur Utstyr i klasserommet

Frames,,da,Working with evolving training in mathematics requires structure and good frames in the class. & Nbsp; Time should be learning. & Nbsp; Throughout the session should be more challenging tasks worked on. & Nbsp; The teacher makes sure that it achieved most professional focus, for example by,,no,Distinguishing breaks / hour,,no,Utilizing the time - clear away all incidentals / disorders,,no,Helping students to have good order in student shelves to find books and equipment quickly,,no,Keeping high learning pressure,,no,tight allocation of time,,no:
Working with evolving training in mathematics requires structure and good frames in the class. Time should be spent learning. Throughout the session should be more challenging tasks worked on. The teacher makes sure that it achieved most professional focus, for example by:

  • Skille mellom friminutt/time
  • Utnytte tiden – rydde vekk alle uvesentligheter/forstyrrelser
  • Hjelpe elevene til å ha god orden i elevhyllene for å finne bøker og utstyr fort
  • Holde høyt læringstrykk, stram disponering av tiden:

30 minutes to common tasks,,no,minute physical movements,,no,minutes of individual work and,,no,minute summary of the session,,no,Students learn that it will be achieved much each session,,no,It becomes a norm,,no,Catch hours 'lost',,no,During a year going on the many activities and joint meetings at the school which can not be acknowledged on mathematics,,no,If it disappears for hours in mathematics,,no,it will go beyond the weak students,,no,learning Culture,,no,In this approach, there is a widespread use of discussion,,no,justifications,,no, 5 minutter til fysiske bevegelser, 20 minutter til individuelt arbeid og 5 minutter til oppsummering av økten

  • La elevene erfare at det skal oppnås mye hver økt. Det blir en norm.
  • Ta igjen timer som ’går tapt’. I løpet av et år foregår det mange aktiviteter og felles samlinger på skolen som ikke kan kvitteres på matematikkfaget. Hvis det forsvinner mange timer i matematikk, vil det går ut over de svake elevene.


I dette opplegget er det en utstrakt bruk av diskusjon, begrunnelser, argumentation and explanation of his own thinking. It is therefore important to ensure that the atmosphere in class is such that none are reluctant to participate actively. Under er noen momenter som kan være nyttig å diskutere med elevene for å oppnå en slik god og trygg kultur:

  • Vise respekt for hverandre — ingen ler av noen
  • Man blir klok av å spørre og å gjøre feil
  • Det er modig å ’hive seg frampå’ selv om man ikke vet helt hvordan oppgaven skal løses. De andre i klassen eller læreren hjelper.
  • Krav om arbeidsinnsats av samtlige elever
  • Focus on tasks - do not give up,,no,Consciousness of Vygotsky's theory of learning,,no,Explained in a simple way,,no,students will understand that we are working in "development zone". & nbsp; The consequence will be that the answers are not immediately,,no,but that task needs to be dealt with. & nbsp; It requires persistence,,no,Collaborating in pairs,,no,help and challenge each other,,no,My experience is that students found tasks interesting,,no,and that discussions were automatically substantive,,no,The tasks created dedication,,no
  • Bevisstgjøring omkring Vygotskys teori om læring. Forklart på en enkel måte, students will understand that we are working in "development zone". The consequence will be that the answers are not immediately, but that task needs to be dealt with. It requires persistence.
  • Samarbeide to og to, hjelpe og utfordre hverandre

Min erfaring er at elevene fant oppgavene interessante, og at diskusjonene automatisk ble saklige. Oppgavene skapte engasjement, and it was not a big problem to get students to work,,no,They would also be more than happy to come forward and show their solutions. & Nbsp; It was almost a need to explain their own ways of thinking,,no,& Nbsp; Personal I experienced a positive atmosphere in the class,,no,but was careful to give positive feedback both to the individual and class attitudes and values ​​that I wanted was to characterize the class,,no,The most important thing is to prevent undesirable situations,,no. They would also be more than happy to come forward and show their solutions. It was almost a need to explain their own ways of thinking.  Personally I experienced a positive atmosphere in the class, men passet på å gi positive tilbakemeldinger både til den enkelte og klassen på holdninger og verdier som jeg ville skulle prege klassen. Det viktigste er å forebygge uønskede situasjoner, and the teacher should always through observation be aware what is going on between students,,no,Organization of students,,no,The teacher asks questions to the tasks. & Nbsp; There is little teaching and explanation from the teacher's side,,no,Students will discuss and see connections,,no,How are we to organize the students,,no,Here are some suggestions,,no,Two and two cooperating and sitting together,,no,Conscious composition of students so that both get the most learning outcomes,,no,a more competent student along with a weaker student,,no.  

Organisering av elevene:

The teacher asks questions to the tasks. There is little teaching and explanation from the teacher's side. Elevene skal diskutere og se sammenhenger. Hvordan skal man organisere elevene?

Her er noen forslag:

  • To og to samarbeider og sitter sammen
  • Bevisst sammensetning av elever slik at begge får mest mulig læringsutbytte
    (en mer kompetent elev sammen med en svakere elev)
  • Extra teacher or assistant helps to initiate discussion and conversation between the students if necessary,,no,Changing partners at certain intervals,,no,There are many good reasons for students to work with all,,no,but it can be taken in other situations,,no,make lists of cooperation when it comes to track students,,no,clearing the playground etc,,no,Equipment in the classroom,,no,Some examples of what might be useful to have in the classroom,,no,The figures from,,no,high on the wall,,no,enlarge tracking down the wall,,no
  • Bytte samarbeidspartnere med visse mellomrom

Det er mange gode grunner for at elevene skal samarbeide med alle, men det kan man sørge for i andre situasjoner, f.eks. lage lister for samarbeid når det gjelder ordenselever, rydding i skolegården etc.

Utstyr i klasserommet:

Noen eksempler på hva som kan være nyttig å ha i klasserommet:

  • Tallene fra 1 – 10 høyt på veggen
  • Tallene fra 1 – 10 stort format til sporing nede på veggen
  • Calendar of each month in A-3 format,,da,A large demonstration clock,,no,A teddy bear,,da,Posters of what students have learned,,no,Tables of who should have fruit and milk in class,,no,The first five points relate primarily 1st Step. & Nbsp; A teddy bear can sit at the board and participate in instruction. & Nbsp; & nbsp; It is straightforward to ask when the teacher sees that some students become inattentive. & Nbsp; When the bear is asked,,no
  • En stor demonstrasjonsklokke
  • En bamse?
  • Plakater over hva elevene har lært
  • Tabeller over hvem som skal ha frukt og melk i klassen

The first five points relate primarily 1st Step. A teddy bear can sit at the board and be involved in teaching. It is straightforward to ask when the teacher sees that some students become inattentive. When the bear is asked, awakened interest in what the answers. All pupils think it's fun. Students are invited to help the bear when it is fixed.

Plakaten er fra Lura skole, Sandnes.

On a visit in a first class, I noticed that the students had a nice name poster taped to the desk. Besides the name was the alphabet and numbers from 1-20 written on. good tips!

Det finnes sikkert også mange andre ideer ute blant lærerne.