Stages of creation

Stadier i etableringen av L. IN. Zankovs system for developing learning

"One step in learning can mean a hundred steps in development"

L. S. Vygotsky

Historien om dannelsen av et system for elevens generelle utvikling er nært knyttet til den vitenskapelige biografien til grunnleggeren Leonid Zankov (1901-1977) – en kjent sovjetisk forsker innen pedagogikk og psykologi.

Leonid Vladimirovitsj Zankov ble født 23. april 1901 i Warszawa. Faren var russisk offiser. I 1916 gikk han ut av gymnasiet i Moskva. I de første årene etter revolusjonen begynte den nybakte artianeren å undervise på landsbygden i Turdej i Tula fylke.

I 1919 Zankov got a job at a boarding school in the country in Tambov-governorate, where he later became head. Then he was no more than 18 year.

From 1920 to 1922 led the young teacher school home "Ostrovnja" in Moscow oblast. I 1922 he was sent to the educational department at the social science faculty at the University of Moscow. There they met Zankov renowned psychologist Lev Vygotsky. Along with his scientific supervisor (Vygotsky var 26 year) participated Zankov in experimental psychological research into memory.

After completing university education got Zankov space at the Department of Psychology at the University of Moscow. There he began researching teaching children with special learning difficulties, under the leadership of Vygotsky. Meanwhile, he continued to study the general psychological memory phenomenon.

I 1929 specific Commissariat for Enlightenment to draw up scientific and educational plans for working with children with special learning difficulties. The assignment was given to the experimental institute for special education (Russian: defektologi). The da so famous pedagogue In. I. Danjusjevsky was appointed as director of the institute, while Zankov was deputy director for scientific work. The institute received the country's first scientific laboratories for research in special education and psychology. Head of psychology laboratories were Vygotsky.

While working at the experimental institute for special education could begin to see the peculiarities of Zankovs methodological vision - those who would be so fruitful in his further research. He became interested in the interaction between pedagogy and psychology, psyche dependent on learning processes and conflict between external influences and internal conditions, through child's individual opportunities. At this time marked one scientist's profile. He was a clear supporter of the facts as he tried to retrieve from real life. He tried to build their theories on analysis of reliable facts.

This is especially noticeable in the works with memory Zankov and his staff announced 30- and 40s. Man arrived to reliable facts about memory in children in early school age. There were differences when it came to learning level, age and individuals. One could draw conclusions regarding the role culture played for the logical memory when something new might be remembered. Research results are reflected in his doctoral dissertation "Reminiscence Psychology" (1942), in a series of articles, in monografiene "School Barns memory" (1943) and "Memory" (1952).

It may be worth noting that Zankov, i 1943-1944, led a group of scientists who ran a scientific and practical efforts to restore speech with wounded soldiers in hospitals for cranial- and brain damage.

I 1944 being Zankov appointed director of the Research Institute for Special Education. This was part of the Russian educational academy, now called RAO - Russian education academy. He was elected as a corresponding member of the Academy 1954 and as a permanent member in 1955.

I 1951 Zankov went over to the Research Institute for pedagogical theory and history under Russian educational academy. He concentrated on research in general education. Here he contributed with their solid knowledge of children, with their mature views on methods of psychological and educational research and appropriate teaching methods. The department led Zankov laboratory for experimental didactics. It was later named the Laboratory for the upbringing and development, then laboratory for training and development. The particularity of this laboratory has been that scientists with different specialties have worked here - be it within didactics, Methodology, psychology, Physiology and Special Needs. Such cooperation has made it possible to study the depth of the processes occurring in the child during learning. One can uncover individual peculiarities of the educational intervention should provide scope for developing strong personality traits without impairing child.

I 1957 put Zankov and his researchers started with the psychological-educational program "Learning and Development". He dedicated the last 20 years of his life to this work. Now today continues pupils and his followers work. The task Zankov gave himself and the other researchers, was open for the objective, legal relationship between learning structure and the overall development in younger students.

The relationship between learning and development is nothing new in pedagogy and psychology. It was Vygotsky who theoretically justified learning's leading role in the development. We have Zankov to thank for that question about the relationship between learning and development through his work has gained a solid experimental basis. He relied on reliable facts and developed from it his learning system.

It was the first time an educational experiment encompassed the entire learning process, and not just certain aspects of it. The unique research Zankov stands for, we see also in that it comprises the interdisciplinary, integral and general. This singularity of his work has primarily been shown through the integration of experiment, theory and practice, where the aim of the research has been going through the experiment to a practical realization. It is precisely this type of research would now prefer different science branches. Secondly, this research is characterized by its link up different subjects that are concerned with children: Education, psychology and physiology. It has formed the basis for that right from the beginning has been able to approach the study of the pupil on a broad front and build a teaching that adds things to facilitate the development of both logic, rationality and Intuitiveness. The research methodology that was begun in 1957, thus corresponds to our time requirements. This experience can be used to further investigate the necessary conditions for the child's individual development.

The investigations have been made successively both in the laboratory or as narrow, educational experiments in various schools and as a three-phase, comprehensive experiment for several years. In the final phase attended by over a thousand sample classes. The experiment was carried out among randomly selected teachers and classes. It was done in both town and country and in monolingual and multilingual schools. This has shown how reliable research is.

During the investigations have brought to light a new system for basic education. It has proven to be very effective for the overall development of pupils at primary school. In years 1963-1967 came out books with descriptions of methodology and methodology of this new form of teaching. For the first time got one of experimental textbooks for primary and methodological explanations. It was formed a system for assessing learning efficiency standpoint of how it affected the acquirement of knowledge and the students' overall development.

Zankov passed away 1977. Soon after, his lab was shut down and all sample classes closed. The man later called "stagnation period" impacting on all areas of life, Also on pedagogy.

First in 1993 created The Russian Ministry of Education "Zankov federal scientific and methodological center". Here was his followers who formed the nucleus. This group has continued with research and practical work related to children's development in accordance with the social requirements of a modern school setting. The knowledge we have gained through this work forms the basis for the development of continuing education and methodology. Over 500 works have been published during the time the center has existed.

During the time of this system has existed, it has proved effective in the lower levels in different types of school. The fact that it has been tested under different conditions so shows how effective it is. This system proves to be universal for the overall development under widely varying conditions.