Mathematics 5-7 is a textbook based on Vygotsky view of learning and Zankovs teaching model. It is a continuation of the textbook Mathematics 1-4.

Mathematics 5 is a thorough textbook that puts great emphasis on observation, analyse og logisk tenkning. Here we find both tasks that are suitable for co-operation and tasks that are suitable for individual work. The work provides excellent opportunities to create a lively dialogue in the classroom and to implement a custom instruction that is interesting and instructive for all. One of the main objectives is that students should learn how to learn.

5. STEP (Bokmål)

grunnbok 5A

grunnbok 5B

Task Booklet 5A,,no,Task Booklet 5B,,no,Solutions textbook 5A and 5B,,no

Oppgavehefte 5B

Lærerveiledning 5A-B