Experience with Developmental training in mathematics at Sandnes and Bjørnevatnskole
Sandnes and Bjørnevatn schools have worked with Developing training in mathematics in 3 year. Here are their experiences with the scheme, not only in relation to students but also in relation to how it changed the teaching of teachers.
The presentation is made by Sør-Varanger Utvikling.
Theoretical and didactic principles behind developing training in mathematics

Here is a brief introduction to the theoretical and didactic principles that form the basis for developing teaching in mathematics (also called Zankov's model). The presentation is intended to help teachers who teach, or thinking of teaching, after the teaching material Mathematics.
The presentation is made by Kjersti Melhus, senior lecturer at the Department of Primary School Teacher Education, idrett og spesialpedagogikk ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Melhus is also a co-author of the textbook Mathematics 1-7 and has held many courses on developmental training in mathematics (UOM) for teachers.
Parent course on developmental training in mathematics

We present Parents' course on developing education in mathematics. How can I as a parent help my child? A brief introduction to what developmental training in mathematics is, and what is emphasized and what principles the teaching is based on. There will be some examples of tasks and some tips you as a parent can use to help your child.
The presentation is made by Therese Hagfors. She works as an assistant principal at Sandnes and Bjørnevatn schools with responsibility for special education. She also works as a mathematics tutor at the school. She has taught mathematics in 20 years and has been involved in development work in relation to mathematics in Sør-Varanger municipality and has also been associated with the Mathematics Center. For 3 years ago, the school decided to start with Developmental Training in Mathematics, and started a project to implement Developing training in mathematics in all mathematics teachers at the school.
The teaching plan in mathematics

We propose the introduction of the teaching program Developing training in mathematics, what is emphasized in the learning process and what principles the teaching is based on.
Examples of some tasks are given, implementation and some conditions one should be aware of when working with this scheme.
The presentation is made by Gerd Inger Moe who is a retired general teacher / assistant professor. Hun har undervist på barnetrinnet og har vært praksislærer ved Universitetet i Stavanger. from autumn 2009 to 2015 she has worked with Developmental training in mathematics in collaboration with Sandnes municipality and UiS. She is now engaged by Sandnes municipality and UiS in connection with the implementation of Developing training in mathematics.