Hvorfor er det viktig for elevene å ha lærebøker?

Textbooks belong to any education and are part of our culture. They provide summaries of content and progression in the learning material. For both children and adults, it is nice to know what needs to be learned. From my own practice, I have found that students have been motivated by reviewing textbooks when they were handed out at the beginning of the school year. Remember expressions: «Se, dette skal vi lære!" "What is this, lærer?»

By scrolling in the books put thoughts in motion. It created expectations and beliefs about what is to be learned. Pupils their reactions showed enthusiasm and curiosity when they leafed through books. Oversikten over hva som skulle læres gjennom skoleåret ga forutsigbarhet og vekket interesse hos elevene.
Students can use the textbook to scroll back and see what they have learned in the past and discover their own professional advancement. In mathematics will also pupils could look at a task multiple times, read again and maybe understand in a different way.

Matematikklandet sine grunnbøker:

Mange oppgaver gjøres i fellesskap, i samarbeid to og to, med diskusjon, argumentasjon og oppsummering. Elevene skal imidlertid også løse oppgaver selv. Some of the blue tasks because the books students can gradually make on their own. It is an important part of the ideas in Evolving training in mathematics to create independent learners who have faith in themselves and their abilities. De skal samtidig lære å møte motstand, challenges and not give up.
At the first stage many teachers use digital boards at a joint presentation of tasks. That's understandable. Students are more focused, og de sitter ikke og ser på andre oppgaver eller blar i bøkene.
I starten trenger elevene en voksen til å lese teksten i bøkene. Etter hvert greier de dette selv. Leseferdigheten blir stadig bedre, and tasks of text can increase the motivation to become a better reader. By individual work can also be some students on the first stage work with blue tasks. The books must be available. Some students need more time to look at the tasks that have been reviewed jointly and can use the textbook for this. Flere ganger blir det i grunnbøkene henvist til oppgaver som elevene har arbeidet med før, for å sammenligne teksten og oppgaveformen. Grunnboken er nødvendig for å kunne foreta den sammenligningen.
Guardian has the right to know what students learn in school,no, and the books can be sent home from time to time for information and as part of the collaboration with the home. Blue assignments in the textbooks can be given as homework to all students. In some cases, teachers give homework that involves students telling their parents about the tasks they have been working on at school. This may be especially true of the youngest students. It is a great way to get the material repeated for the students at the same time as parents gain insight into the child's learning at school..


Important concepts are repeated in tasks and are thus very useful as a reinforcement of learning in basic books. These tasks are varied. The repetition takes place in many ways. Students face challenges and need to think about. The tasks are based on the same ideas as the reason the books to be analytical, trene opp evnen til økt oppmerksomhet og utvikle utholdenhet.  The complementary learning from the basic books. Mange lærere bruker disse heftene som hjemmelekse (guardians must be informed in advance,,no,& Nbsp; At school, pupils,,no,not necessarily all,,no,work with various tasks in the booklets,,no,Digital whiteboards are a supplement to textbooks,,no,but can not replace them. & nbsp; The textbooks are an important resource for children in the acquisition of learning material. & Nbsp; The physical book closeness to the curriculum,,no,It is therefore necessary and important aspects of the whole læreprosessen,,da,Why is it important for students to have textbooks,,no).  At school, pupils (nødvendigvis ikke alle) arbeide med ulike oppgaver i heftene.
Digitale tavler er et supplement til lærebøkene, but can not replace them. The textbooks are an important resource for children in the acquisition of learning material. The physical book closeness to the curriculum. Den er derfor nødvendig og viktig i hele læreprosessen.