Maths teacher wins prestigious award

Maths teacher Pål Harald Hansen at Sandnes- and Bjørnevatn school have won the Holmboe prize 2024!

The super teacher
Pål Harald Hansen is a teacher specialist in mathematics at Sandnes- and Bjørnevatn school since 2019, and has had particular responsibility for the school's development project within developing teaching (also known as "russisk matematikk). Last year he led his students to become Norwegian champions in mathematics, followed by 2. place in the Nordic championship.


Pål Harald's collaboration with the business community in the municipality shows his understanding of the importance of connecting mathematics teaching to the real world. He has been a bridge builder between the education sector and business, and this has not only enriched the students' learning experience, but has also strengthened the ties between the school and the local community. Among other things, he has collaborated with Kirkenes nårningshage, Sør-Varanger Development, Norwegian test and Tekna by Bernt Nilsen.


Furthermore, he has, among other things, run the school's subject group work in mathematics. He has had systematic observation and guidance of maths teachers, something that is also described in his master's thesis. This work has resulted in good results on national tests over several years for the school in general and his students in particular. This is a direct result of his long-term and targeted work to develop mathematics teaching at the school.

You can read more about his work here:
iFinnmark: Pål Harald's method places Bjørnevatn at the Finnmark stop
Sør-Varanger Newspaper: Pupils from Sandnes and Bjørnevatn schools will take part in the maths NM.
iFinnmark: This gang tanked 4400 other students: Became Norwegian champions in mathematics
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Wins the prestigious Holmboe prize 2024
Hansen's work, commitment and results inspired his colleagues and partners to secretly nominate him for the given Holmboe prize 2024. This was the short version of the justification submitted with the nomination:

(...) All in all, Pål Harald Hansen is a worthy candidate for the Holmboe prize. His pioneering work, dedication to exploratory teaching, understanding of the importance of thinking students, and commitment to cooperation with business makes him an inspiring teacher and a valuable resource for mathematics education in Norway. (...)