Mathematics for middle school
Martiros Aslanov, Natasha Blank, Morten Søyland Kristensen
Inngår i læreverket Matematikk 5-7
Mathematics 5-7 is a textbook based on Vygotsky view of learning and Zankovs teaching model. It is a continuation of the textbook Mathematics 1-4.
Mathematics 7 is a thorough textbook that puts great emphasis on observation, analyse og logisk tenkning. Here we find both tasks that are suitable for co-operation and tasks that are suitable for individual work. The work provides excellent opportunities to create a lively dialogue in the classroom and to implement a custom instruction that is interesting and instructive for all. One of the main objectives is that students should learn how to learn.
Utgitt: 2020
Innbinding: Paperback
Språk: Norsk Bokmål
Sider: 80
ISBN 9788293729327
Utgave: 1. Eds.
Format: 210 x 260 mm
Pris: 220,-