Mathematics 3: Task Booklet "Rain and signs» (Punktmagi)

Matematikk for barnetrinnet

Svetlana Kormishina, Larisa Itina, Natasha Blank, Kjersti Melhus, Cato Tveit,no

Inngår i læreverket Matematikk 1- 4.

Task Booklet "Rain and sign" is a more standalone booklet is intended to be used throughout the school year. The tasks are mainly aimed at developing count- and regneferdigheter, and content repeats the sequence used to develop these skills. The booklet will provide students with volume and repetition and is made more exciting by the blueprint provided in the form of a dot-to-dot image. After students have understood the principle of drawings, they should be able to use this booklet reasonably independent. The booklet can be used independently of the textbook Mathematics - also by students in higher grades.


Utgitt: 2019
Innbinding: Paperback
Språk: Norwegian newnorwegian,,no,Version / 1,,no
Sider: 48
ISBN 9788292562963
Utgave: 1. Eds.
Format: 210 x 297 mm

Pris: 79,-