Mathematics 2: Task Booklet 2B

Matematikk for barnetrinnet

Evgeniya Benenson, Larisa Itina, Natasha Blank, Kjersti Melhus

Task Booklets 2A and 2B are part of the textbook Mathematics 1- 4. The booklets are even booklets and an important supplement to basic books. They contain varied tasks and is suitable for use both at school and at home. (When to give assignments to homework is important to provide familiar task types that students are able to perform on their own.) In each issue there are two collections of tasks (What I know and what I can) which can be used as samples to provide teacher important information about students' knowledge.

Inngår i læreverket Matematikk 1- 4.


Utgitt: 2015
Innbinding: Paperback
Språk: Norsk Bokmål
Sider: 76
ISBN 978-82-92562-34-5
Utgave: 1. Eds.
Format: 210 x 297 mm

Pris: 129,-