Sandnes kommune mottar kommunesektorens innovasjonspris for satsingen på russisk matematikk som metode i grunnskoleundervisningen. Elevene på Smeaheia barneskole i Sandnes får toppresultater på nasjonale prøver i matematikk etter at skolen tok i bruk metoden. Stavanger og Asker kommune var også nominert til prisen på kr. 500 000,-
Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development Innovation Award goes to a municipality that has achieved particularly good results by focusing on innovation. The award was presented by State Secretary Paul Chaffey in Arendal conference Friday 12. June.
F.v. Katinka Greve Leiner (jury), Kari Bente Daae (municipal director of nursery and school in Sandnes), Hege Egaas Røen (school academic adviser in Sandnes) and Paul Chaffey (Deputy Municipal- and modernization Ministry).
- The objective of the Innovation Award is to motivate municipalities to rethink and work smarter. The three finalists shows that there are many different ways of working with innovation. I am impressed by the breadth of applications submitted, and hope the projects can be an inspiration to other municipalities, said Mr Paul Chaffey.
Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) the secretariat of the innovasjonsprisen and looking innovasjonssatsingen in public sector.
- This is an exciting and unexpected wins. Russian mathematics has all the elements of a good innovation: one enthusiast, risk appetite, against, long-term and systematic work. An absolute worthy winner. Congratulations to Sandnes, says Ingelin Killengreen, Director Difi.